Archibold Brown
M, born bef 1910
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S7227] ANNIS, Norman Shadrack to WALLACE (nee PERRY) - 1942 Marriage Certificate
L Culver
U, born bef 1900
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S8] WALLACE, Charles S to Perry - 1919 Marriage Certificate
A Campbell
U, born bef 1900
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S8] WALLACE, Charles S to Perry - 1919 Marriage Certificate
Godfrey Baker
M, born bef 1885
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S16] TAPSCOTT, Arthur V to STOWELL - Marriage Certificate
Louie George1
M, born bef 1895
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S16] TAPSCOTT, Arthur V to STOWELL - Marriage Certificate
Clement E Pike
M, born bef 1890
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S16] TAPSCOTT, Arthur V to STOWELL - Marriage Certificate
Edward Barker
M, born ca. 1759, died Feb 1826
Interactive Pedigree Chart
- Edward Barker was born circa 1759.1,2
- Edward and Mary Ray were married on 16 October 1788 in Tadcaster, Yorkshire, EnglandG.1
- Edward died in February 1826 in Tadcaster, Yorkshire, EnglandG, aged 67y.2
- Following his death, he was buried on 19 February 1826 at St Mary's ChurchG in Tadcaster, Yorkshire, EnglandG.2
Child with Mary Ray (born circa 1765, died December 1844)
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S2487] BARKER, Edward to RAY - 1788 Marriage Parish record
- [S3041] BARKER, Edward - 1826 Burial record
Mary Ray1,2
F, born ca. 1765, died Dec 1844
Interactive Pedigree Chart
- Mary Ray was born circa 1765.2
- Mary and Edward Barker were married on 16 October 1788 in Tadcaster, Yorkshire, EnglandG.2
- Mary died in December 1844.3
- Following her death, she was buried on 5 January 1845 at St James ChurchG in Melsonby, Yorkshire, EnglandG.3
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S2] BARKER, Edward - 1789 Baptism Certificate
- [S2487] BARKER, Edward to RAY - 1788 Marriage Parish record
- [S2513] BARKER, Mary - 1845 Burial record
R Rawlins
U, born bef 1810
- R Rawlins was born before 1810.
- He/she was the Minister at the baptism of Frances Wallace on 14 September 1842 in Limehouse, Middlesex, EnglandG.1
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S41] WALLACE, Frances - 1842 Certificate of Baptism
Henry Jenkinson
M, born bef 1840
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S44] STOREY, Henry R to Wallace - 1858 Marriage Certificate
- [S1462] STOREY, Henry R to WALLACE - 1858 Marriage record
Annie Storey
F, born bef 1900
- Annie Storey was born before 1900.
- She was named as Attorney in the Power of Attorney document of Mary Ann Dorothy Storey, on 28 December 1916 at Brighton, East Sussex, EnglandG.1
Anecdote / Notes
- Could Annie actually be Ann M Storey?
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S49] BYE, Mary A D to Miss A Storey - Power of Attorney
M Jenkinson
U, born bef 1840
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S44] STOREY, Henry R to Wallace - 1858 Marriage Certificate
- [S1462] STOREY, Henry R to WALLACE - 1858 Marriage record
Ernest James Board
M, born 16 Aug 1873, died ca. Aug 1971
Interactive Pedigree Chart
- Ernest James Board was born on 16 August 1873 in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG.1,2
- Ernest and Emily Septina Sarah Jane Stowell were married circa November 1893 in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG.3,4
- Letters of Administration were granted to Ernest for the estate of Emily Septina Sarah Jane Stowell on 16 July 1952 at the Probate Registry in Bristol, Gloucestershire, EnglandG.5
- Ernest died circa August 1971 in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG.1
- 1881: at South Borne Terrace, North SteetG in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG. Relationship to Head of Family: Son, Marital Status: Unmarried.6
- 1891: at 90 Friarn StreetG in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG. Relationship to Head of Family: Son, Marital Status: Single, Occupation: Collar Cutter.7
- 1901: at 19 Bath RoadG in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG. Relationship to Head of Family: Head, Marital Status: Married, Occupation: Foreman Collar Factory.8
- 1911: at 95 Camden RoadG in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG. Relationship to Head of Family: Head, Completed years the present Marriage has lasted: 17, Total number of Children Born Alive: 0, Personal Occupation: Manager Wicker Factory.9
- 1921: at 12 Coronation RoadG in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG. Relationship to Head of Household: Head, Marr/Orph'd: Married, Occupation: Manager Wicker & Cane Furniture, Children <16: None.10
- 1939: at 12 Coronation RoadG in Bridgwater, Somerset, EnglandG. Marital Status: Married, Occupation: Fibre Loom & Wicker Firm Manager.2
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S886] BOARD, Ernest J - 1971 Death record
- [S1915] BOARD, Ernest J - 1939 England & Wales Register
- [S2138] BOARD, Ernest James to STOWELL - 1893 Marriage record
- [S53] GRT - Personal Recollections
- [S6594] BOARD, Emily S S J - 1952 Letters of Administration
- [S2133] BOARD, Eliza Ann - 1881 Census
- [S6596] VICKERY, Eliza Ann - 1891 England Census
- [S6595] BOARD, Ernest James - 1901 England Census
- [S4815] BOARD, Ernest James - 1911 England Census
- [S7223] BOARD, Ernest James - 1921 England Census
Jean Turner
F, born 1946, died ca. 1964
Interactive Pedigree Chart
- Jean Turner was born in 1946.1
- Jean died circa 1964. Cause of Death: Asthma.1
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S53] GRT - Personal Recollections
Olive Edna Florence ("Edna") Sheaff
F, born 22 Apr 1921, died 26 Dec 2015
Interactive Pedigree Chart
- Olive Edna Florence ("Edna") Sheaff was born on 22 April 1921 in Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, EnglandG.1,2
- Edna and Ernest John Leonard Stowell were married on 20 September 1952 at the Church of the Holy CrossG in Woodingdean, East Sussex, EnglandG.3,1,2
- Edna died on 26 December 2015 in Woodingdean, East Sussex, EnglandG. Cause of Death: Sepsis and Osteomylitis.4
Family Notes
- Any children from the marriage who are still living, or possibly still living, are not listed.
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S903] Email from DT (July 2011)
- [S935] STOWELL, John - Descendency Report
- [S53] GRT - Personal Recollections
- [S1817] Emails from CS (Jan 2016)
John Capes
M, born bef 1830
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S42] WALLACE, William Alexander - 1856 Birth Certificate
- [S2055] WALLACE, Thomas - 1861 Census
J Glen
U, born bef 1800
- J Glen was born before 1800.
- He/she was the Minister at the baptism of Mary Ann Dorothy Storey on 5 June 1825 in Hanover Square, Middlesex, EnglandG.1,2
Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.
- [S43] STOREY, Mary A D - 1825 Baptismal Certificate
- [S1611] STOREY, Mary A D - 1825 Baptism record