The Tapscott Family Tree

Person Page 57

Victor Henry George Tucker1

M, born bef 1900
Interactive Pedigree Chart


Children with Deathea Blanche Pricilla Groves (born 4 January 1886, died 30 April 1948)

Family Notes

  • Any children from the marriage who are still living, or possibly still living, are not listed.

Citations - click ID link for full Source details including (where available) actual text from the Source document and/or an image of the Source document.

  1. [S140] Gedcom File from DT - Australia. [NB. Unless indicated elsewhere in this section, details from the file have been used to create / expand the facts recorded here].
  2. [S6571] TUCKER, Deathea Blanche Pricilla - 1948 Death record
  3. [S2674] TUCKER, Deaethea B P - 1948 Death reference