Over the years the amount of data collected has increased - from 1841 when only a name and (rounded) age was recorded, to 1911 when the number of years of a marriage and number of children to the marriage are recorded. Each of the pages listed below attempts to identifiy the data collected as well as any other unusual information relating to the census.
From 1841 to 1901 a census schedule was completed for each household, and was then collected by the enumerator who copied the information into an enumeration book. It is these enumeration books (or rather, images of the books) that are available today. The 1911 schedules (as completed by the households) have been retained and often provide unexpected information (e.g. A widow has included marriage details [length, number of children, etc] although these should not have been recorded and as such have been crossed out by the enumerator, but are still legible).